Post: Moving In? 5 Valuable Tips To Clean Your New House

Moving In? 5 Valuable Tips To Clean Your New House

No one can deny that moving into a new place is exciting. However, this process can become stressful if you don’t have much experience, especially in the home cleaning aspect.

Where do you start? Where should you focus on? Difficult questions at first sight but easy to answer once you read these five valuable tips we’ve prepared for you. Check them out!

Tip #1. Ventilate the area

If your new house has been closed for too long, it may have a stale or musty smell. Or perhaps you’ll be using different cleaning products that can cause harmful vapors to accumulate, which is bad news in a poor-ventilated space.

So before you start, make sure to open doors and windows to help dissipate stale smells and vapors from harsh cleaners. If your new place has vents, clean them to remove the musty air and keep good airflow.

Tip #2. Start your cleaning in the bathroom

Cleaning a new home is a big task, meaning you’ll spend most of your day doing chores. At one point, whether you want to wash a tool or use the toilet, you’ll need to use the bathroom. So, starting your cleaning journey here is always an excellent idea.

Tip #3. Follow-up with the kitchen

Some new homes already come with built-in cabinets and even a few appliances in the kitchen. If that’s your case, never assume they’re squeaky clean! Otherwise, you might run into nasty surprises when storing your food, like dust and, in extreme cases, dead bugs (gross!).

This step becomes even more crucial if you’ve acquired a pre-owned home. For example, despite the old owner’s best efforts, the kitchen could still be grimy, especially the walls and hard-to-reach places. Use this chance to move furniture around and clean every nook and cranny.

Tip #4. Consider cleaning the walls

Although it may sound unnecessary when it’s a new house, even walls in never-occupied homes could need cleaning, as dust also gathers in enclosed spaces. Besides, houses in high-humidity environments are at risk of growing mold!

Of course, you have a higher chance of finding dirt and stains in pre-owned places, so check the walls for stains caused by furniture rubbing against them. Also, if there were kids before, you could look for crayon marks—particularly in the living room and bedrooms.

Doing all this may take a long time, but remember that once you bring in your stuff, you’ll hardly have this chance to clean your walls again this thoroughly.

Tip #5. Don’t forget high-touch surfaces!

Real estate agents, construction workers, previous owners, or potential buyers may have roamed the house before you. As they entered the rooms, they came in contact with door knobs, light switches, and handles.

It may not look like it, but the many surfaces they’ve continuously touched could be riddled with germs and grime. Keep your household safe by taking a little time to wipe and disinfect all those high-touch surfaces.

Do you want to spare the stress? Call the cleaning professionals!

Moving in is a big task, let alone cleaning a whole home. Our professionals at CleanArte Maid Services know this, so they offer top-rated Move-In Cleaning Services to everyone moving into a new place in Houston.

Relax and focus on other important tasks while our expert cleaners will leave your place spotless and ready for you. Get your free quote here!

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